About Us


ES Medical Group is an elite distributorship partnering with multiple facets of the healthcare arena. We specialize and have refined the process of creating viable, innovative solutions that enable healthcare providers to better serve their patients. By utilizing state of the art technology, equipment, and processes we are able to create collaborative relationships between physicians and ancillary service opportunities. These relationships are the foundation of building clinical and business success with profitable outcomes. 

Our offerings include an array of Diagnostic testing, a highly efficient and profitable physical therapy MSO (managed service organization), a selection of effective topical medications, and several proactive testing solutions that can help to transform any medical practice into a revenue generating business while optimizing clinical variances. ES Medical Group maintains its focus on various medical and laboratory offerings; all targeted towards positive patient outcomes and increased practice earnings.


ES Medical Group is an organization that partners with pharmacies, elite healthcare facilities, and cutting edge companies providing state of the art services, such as sophisticated laboratory screening.

We also attract, train, develop, and retain some of the top, most talented medical professionals and companies in the industry. Our recruitment process allows ES Medical Group to distribute our breadth of products and services to pre-existing footprints, networks, and relationships all across the country in critical mass. From helping to connect patients to pain alleviating and lifestyle enhancing prescription medications 

to bridging the gap between genomic screening and accessibility, ES Medical Group is ready, willing, and able to offer its services.

In addition, we combine the latest in technology to completely optimize the workflow and outreach process for our providers and pharmacies. Our sales and marketing team ensue ongoing collaborations. The entire network of our company is dedicated to increasing outcomes, generating ancillary income, and the pursuance of establishing a streamlined process in connecting the patient and provider to our products and services.

Our Team

ES Medical’s management team exhibits an impressive portfolio of experience in both executive management and in catapulting startup companies based in a myriad of arenas, healthcare, IT, distributorship – experience that has formulated ES Medical Group. We will continue to navigate its stability and successes on an ongoing basis.  

Our Philosophy

ES Medical Group’s mission is to become the preeminent provider of choice for a multitude of healthcare products and services. The foundation of our philosophy is a established in the truth that millions of Americans suffer from chronic, quality of life diminishing ailments that can be detected early, efficiently managed, and alleviated with our products and/or services.